Afghanistan: Human Rights Crisis and the Global Community’s Responsibility


Since the Taliban took power in 2021, Afghanistan has been plunged into a severe crisis - a political, an economic and, above all, a human rights crisis. Vulnerable groups, such as women, children and certain ethnic groups, are existentially threatened. Continued Taliban rule, conflict, political instability and social upheaval have led to ongoing violations of basic human rights, including access …

Testimonial: The Retreat of Democracy: Youth Perspectives on the Republic’s Fall in Afghanistan with Ramin Kamangar and Sawita Anwari

Pangea-Haus, Raum Bullauge Trautenaustr. 5, Berlin, Deutschland

GAFCA is happy to invite you to the last Testimonial-event of 2023. We will listen to the experiences of Sawita Anwari & Ramin Kamangar, our two young guest speakers, who are going to share their perspectives on the Republic's Fall and the "return" of the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2021. When? 21.11.23, 18.45-20.00h Where? Pangea-Haus, Raum Bullauge, Trautenaustr. 5, 10717 …